When using your own personal heat press to press a purchased transfer to apparel:
Step 1: Use the chart below to set the correct temperature, time, and pressure on your heat press.
Step 2: Place the textile/substrate on the lower platen of the heat press. Pre-press it for 5-10 seconds to remove any wrinkles or moisture.
Step 3: Using a finishing sheet or parchment paper for protection, press the transfer following the chart above for the suggested temperature setting (TIP! - If you are losing color vibrancy when transferring to textiles, reduce your application temperature.)
Step 4: Carefully remove the textile/substrate from the heat press and allow to cool before peeling away the A-Film. Only remove the A-Film after it is absolutely cold. Failure to do so may result in a faulty transfer. Start from a corner with the most toner coverage and remove the A-Film in one, rapid motion (like a bandage).
Step 5: To ensure wash-ability and a matte finish, re-press your textile/substrate with a piece of parchment paper for 20 seconds and at the same temperature you used from Step 10 above. The pressure should be bumped up to a high pressure (a 8 or 9). To achieve a more shiny finish, use a Teflon sheet instead of parchment paper. To achieve a more textured finish, use the Flexible Finishing Sheet
instead of parchment paper.